Ugandan News

Presidential Committee on Exports sets Targets

The presidential advisory committee on exports and industrial development is set to increase
earnings from Uganda’s exports by $6b (Appx shs 22 trillion) by 2027.
The chairperson of this committee, Odrek Rwabogo, said this while addressing the media after
the recently concluded Uganda-UK convention. To achieve this, Rwabogo said he will engage
the ministries of Trade and agriculture to combat the challenge of chemical residue that is
usually found in horticultural products.
With such challenges, Uganda loses about $200m every year in target market destinations due
to poor handling usually occurring on farms and post-handling levels. Just this year, Uganda has
already lost $200 million just in the EU market alone with interceptions alone leading to losses
of worth $100m.
The president directed the committee to ensure harmony returns to the export market because
of the increased production that is likely to come in the near future with the Parish
Development model beginning to take shape.
The members of the committee have committed to seeing their targets met by planning on
training young people in production so that they are able to produce products that meet the
International market. This might be good news for Uganda.

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